Women, The Strong's Men

During this time women are always identical as those of weak people who do not have any more bargaining power. Not infrequently a woman is seen by the eyes of men. While women thus stronger than men

"I see from my own family, my father married three times. He was not able to take the family after his wife died," said Samuel Mulia, A Brand Counsltan of several leading media when found after the book launch in Heart Side The Heart Susah couple Exercise , in Jakarta.

After the funeral, go Sam, the father can not take things like the small child, or pay the electric bill and telephon.

"If the woman left by her husband, the economy is a problem, but if the husband can be left perplexed everything. No wonder that many widower married again," said Sam.

In addition, go Sam, the husband will be experiencing many difficulties in solving various problems because during this time where the wife is for her husband,

"Even a head of state is from the outside looks stout akan complain on their wives. No wonder if there are terms behind a strong man there is a great woman," augment him.

He also cite that the strength of women when he has seen. During the nine months, a woman must carry the burden where it was going. Have not yet felt the pain when giving birth.

After becoming a mother, women still have to take the children occupied. Unfortunately, the strength of the maximum has not been used by the women.

According to the women not confident with the strength of the existing. In addition, factors domination of men also prevent women to indicate strength.

Then men graduates of Faculty of Medicine Udayana University holds this man who is being selfish, and the woman as the nation weakened.

"When Adam caught eating the fruit from heaven, he would blame weather," he said. He also cite akan men are considered great if he became a playboy, but if a woman play the girl would pout.


oemar said...

gila gede bgt tuh cew gmn suaminya

LaDy NaS said...

YA ALLAH YA TUHANKU...apakah??????

jasa like facebook said...

bused tuh orang .. apa ??

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