Neck cancer cell growth is the womb or network that causes uncontrollable benjolan or neck tumor in the uterus or serviks. At the initial stage, the cells in the womb, neck or entrance to the womb develop abnormal called pre-cancer stage, and if not treated will change so cancer.
The majority of cancer cases caused by infection serviks human papillomavirus (HPV). Some HPV infections disappear on their own women, although without treatment, but there is also an infection that settled for many years to cause cancer. So far, there are more than 100 types of HPV types and 13 of them able to increase the risk of womb cancer neck. However, 71 percent of this major cause of cancer-related HPV type 16 infection and 18.
HPV infection generally occurs after the female sexual and related generally occurs around the age of 25 years. From HPV infection to the occurrence of the damage layer of mucus so to pre-cancer to malignancy or cancer take almost 20 years. During his life, almost half of women and men had HPV infection, said the Head of Center for Reproductive Health Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University, Siswanto Agus Wilopo.
All women who have sexual risk exposure serviks cancer, because the intimate relationship that can occur H PV infection. They are exposed to high risk of cancer serviks is, women who did not undergo screening, and began a sexual relation at the age of young children, have children, more than 5 people, some couples have to change history or change pasa-ngan, and has a smoking habit.
Unlike some other virus, if infected with HPV virus, it does not mean people will have immunity against the virus. "He is still at risk for recurrent infection of HPV types of the same or different, and remain exposed to the risk of cancer serviks," said the consultant from the Department of allergic immunological disease In Science, University of Indonesia Faculty of Medicine, General Hospital-Center Cipto Mangunkusumo Prof. Samsuridjal Djauzi.
In the year 2008, the World Health Organization estimates 12.4 million people suffering from cancer and 7.6 million people died because of cancer disease. Globally, uterus neck cancer incidence occupied second after breast cancer, with incidence angk a new disease every year around 500,000 deaths and as many as 288,000 people.
Almost 90 percent of incident neck cancers occur in the womb, developing countries. Figures uterus neck cancer incidence highest in Africa of more than 45 per 100,000 people per year, followed by Southeast Asia 30-44,9 per 100,000 women each year. In Southeast Asia, the womb neck cancer ranks first among the women in the cancer, said Siswanto.
In Indonesia, it is estimated that each year there are 15,000 new cases of uterus neck cancer death rate occurred with the 7500 cases per year. Serviks cancer is cancer that occurs most often in women in Indonesia. "The high number of cancer incidence in Indonesia is a serviks health burden, economic and social for women everywhere," said the Chairman of Social Services Cancer Foundation Australia Melissa S Luwia.
Can be prevented
At the initial stage, uterus neck cancer does not show a significant clinical symptoms. Marks the occurrence of cancer among l Ain, The speck-going The speck of blood or bleeding vaginam post intimate touch, bleeding between the two cycles menstruasi or post-menopause bleeding, mucus vagina smell despite the sting has been treated for the infection of vagina.
When found early, uterus neck cancer can be treated with several methods of therapy, among others, the network operations for cancer that is still terlokalisir, radiation therapy or radiation and chemotherapy. However, more than 70 percent of self-examined in the coming stages, so many more patients died because of late found and treated, said the Chairman of the Indonesian Association gynecology Oncology Prof M Farid Aziz.
Cancer serviks actually be prevented by reducing the risk of HPV infection and spread of cancer so pre cancer. Among others, do not take turns pairing sexual relationship, the time delay sexual relationship, does not have children at very young age, using condoms during sexual relation with a pair of high risk sexually transmitted infection, balanced nutrition, and not smoking.
In addition, the women that examined self diimbau since early to know whether a normal uterus or the neck is not at once detect the phase of pre-cancer. Early detection can be done with the Pap test, a method sweep mucus neck rah im the Papanucolaou. Early detection with the Pap test in the developed countries showed satisfactory results with a lower death rate due to cancer serviks more than half.
Constraints in developing countries in this way is, the cost of the test is relatively expensive, inadequate number of experts and lack of organizing the neat. Therefore, a more simple method of practical and cheap, namely visual inspection with the statement acid (IVA) can be selected for use in screening or penapi san nationally in developing countries is growing. "This is more practical with the vaccination, enough with the injection, does not need complex equipment and have high effectiveness," he said.
The challenge is to extend terberat vaccination penga ruh vaccine that can protect against infection in the long term. Until now the new vaccine protection average 6.4 years for HPV types 16 and 18, said Siswanto. Participate in high prices prevent the expansion of vaccine immunization coverage. Price of vaccines will be cheap when it is used more widely by the government because the mass production of lower cost per person.
Neck cancer
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