Hacker steals information combat Jet

Confidential data of thousands of the most sophisticated fighter belonging to the U.S. F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, has been stolen by hackers secret for two years.

Hacker success make random aircraft electronic system through the computers of Pentagon contractors tasked to design and develop the plane. So disclosed a number of officials who are reluctant to name mentioned because this sensitive case.

As CNN reported on Wednesday (22 / 4), the hacker can also enter the traffic control systems to U.S. Air Force. They can even get information about the location of U.S. military aircraft flight.

Aircraft F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is the F-35 Lightning II. The aircraft is designed to be a new fighter that can be used for Navy, Forces, and Air Force. The project of making the plane is worth 300 billion U.S. dollars.

Most of the data is confidential demolished about building design and statistical capability aircraft, including the electronic system. With that data, Hacker can easily use it to create a competitor aircraft.

Meanwhile, The Wall Street Journal said, hackers are able to copy multiple terabyte data on these aircraft is. One terabyte is 1,000 gigabytes. "Not that ever happened like this," said a former official.

Not yet clear how serious breach, or indeed who the peretas it, but the most sensitive data on the fighter project was reportedly stored in a computer that is safe and not connected to the internet.

Wall Street quoted several former U.S. officials never mentioned the identity and they said that the attack "appears to originate in China." One report has not been long out of this Pentagon said China's military has made "certain progress" in the development of techniques for increasing the war online as part of efforts to redress the military that are less developed.

Early April, disputed the Chinese reports The Wall Street Journal that the peretas China and Russia has been trying to send a virus to install electricity in the U.S..


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