Suramadu bridge

Suramadu bridge will be one of the icon east of java. This bridge connecting Surabaya and Madura, the installation is done with the main span bridge suramadu declared done.

process the main span was carried out last night at 23:20, which was attended by several government officials and guests. on the mark with a push button then immediately process the main span.

the main span is estimated to be completed in June 2009 in the future, this means that within a period of 4 months aktivitaas future economy will be going better for madurada and indonesia and surabaya especially in general.

suramadu bridge will improve the economy of the community, as there will be a new business which will certainly increase the income community.

let's take a glance habituate characteristics suramadu 5.4-kilometer bridge, Located at the edge position (on the right and left). The width of each 2.75 meters. Total width of the bridge itself reached 30 meters (2 x 15 meters).

now let's pray together so that the continuation of the process running smoothly and does not meet the constraints, which means


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