The Welfare State

Campaigns of political parties has ended. Which we live must specify attitudes, to which akan mencontrengkan choice later on 9 April. Although many do not believe the promise of a political party, we should read the various promises that have been presented. This is so that we do not regret because it was wrong to vote. Moreover, at this time we live in the midst of global economic crisis is serious. With so many choices will bring consequences on economic policy in the future.

The crisis has over the world and damage the economy of a society we create more suffering. Not surprising if in the event of a surgical book Go Welfare State written Siswono Husodo judo in Semarang last week, appearing in many complaints and dissatisfaction of the discussion participants living conditions of the nation at this time. Indonesia is the nation's independence more than 63 years it still has not reached goal independence. Namely, the community developed, just, and prosperous. In fact, we are increasingly left behind from the neighboring countries, like Malaysia and Singapura.Dari discussion concluded that it is considered the nation we can not be advanced, prosperous, and sejatera is due to mismanagement, especially in the field of economics. Peter Drucker, a leading management expert said,''There is no under-developed country, there is only under-managed country.''

Although the life of Indonesian society is still far from the dream, it appeared that many children of the nation concerned with the future of their country. They need to understand that a change in economic management if you want to achieve the ideals-citanya. Welfare state was diimpikan by many who attended the discussion. However, skepticism that the nation will able to achieve this ideal, there is also citanya. Therefore, it is interesting to know whether the people of Indonesia will never reach the dream? Or will it simply a dream that dream.

Mandate of the Constitution

Our Constitution, whether amended before or after, the welfare state mandate as ideals of the founders of the nation's written in the stem or body of the 1945 Constitution. Although amended, our economic system was socialist market has shifted to be in it because the social elements appear capitalism. Diakuinya such as private property rights protected by the state (Article 4 paragraph 28H).

In addition, the shifting economic system can be seen in the chapter that includes the national economy and welfare of the people listed in chapter XIV article with the title''33 Economy and the National People's Welfare''. In paragraph 4 of efficiency appear berkeadilan, providing space for bekerjanya market mechanism, which required an economy. Despite the achievement of efficiency should not leave the elements of justice. Similarly the importance of self-reliance and sustainability in the economy is mandated in the paragraph. In addition, the rights of citizens are protected in the economic state. Of them, the rights citizens have the same opportunity to run the economic activity to be worthy of living.

This review of different views that there is a significant shift in the economy post-amendment constitution us. Although the market mechanism is diakomodasi in our constitution, should not be overlooked that the sosialismenya also strong. As seen from the verses of chapter 34. Written in paragraph (1) poor and neglected children are kept by the state. Added the amendment in paragraph (2) develop the State social security system for all people and empower communities that weak and unable to match the dignity of humanity. Therefore, paragraph (3) the State is responsible for the provision of health services facilities and facilities worthy of public services.

In the basic rule is shown that the economic system should we use is socialist market economy, it should follow that penyelenggaraannya welfare state. Countries that embrace welfare state, according to Sir William Beveridge, the state must guarantee terpenuhinya income, health, education, housing, and jobs for the people. That is clear in all articles and verses of our constitution. However, Indonesia is still far from the dream.


Indonesia since independence until now still can not make the constitution as a living constitution. Setting economic policy and not based on the rules in the articles and verse verses. Management of the Indonesian economy away from providing economic prosperity of the country. Social security system that is still ad hoc and are not limited to community groups that protect the bottom. Likewise the liberal economic management we still encountered, see the laws of capital. In addition, the Indonesian nation is not independent, dependent on foreign countries, both in the capital, food, and energy. The Constitution has not become a guide in penyeleggaraan economic.

This review of different views that there is a significant shift in the economy post-amendment constitution us. Although the market mechanism is diakomodasi in our constitution, should not be overlooked that the sosialismenya also strong. As seen from the verses of chapter 34. Written in paragraph (1) poor and neglected children are kept by the state. Added the amendment in paragraph (2) develop the State social security system for all people and empower communities that weak and unable to match the dignity of humanity. Therefore, paragraph (3) the State is responsible for the provision of health services facilities and facilities worthy of public services.

In the basic rule is shown that the economic system should we use is socialist market economy, it should follow that penyelenggaraannya welfare state. Countries that embrace welfare state, according to Sir William Beveridge, the state must guarantee terpenuhinya income, health, education, housing, and jobs for the people. That is clear in all articles and verses of our constitution. However, Indonesia is still far from the dream.


Indonesia since independence until now still can not make the constitution as a living constitution. Setting economic policy and not based on the rules in the articles and verse verses. Management of the Indonesian economy away from providing economic prosperity of the country. Social security system that is still ad hoc and are not limited to community groups that protect the bottom. Likewise the liberal economic management we still encountered, see the laws of capital. In addition, the Indonesian nation is not independent, dependent on foreign countries, both in the capital, food, and energy. The Constitution has not become a guide in penyeleggaraan economic.

*) By: Sri Adiningsih, Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics UGM Jogjakarta


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