Air pollution disturb development of fetus

Exposure of air pollution from motor vehicles can disturb the growth of fetus and result in low birth weight. The pregnant women are encouraged to avoid the pollution exposure.

"If pregnant women suffering from diseases related to air pollution, that affect the supply of food on the baby, the problem of low birth weight a bad impact on the baby's health. One of them, the baby at risk of experiencing acute hipertermia like and can not breathe normally. In the long run, it can prevent the development of the brain.

In Indonesia, 15-17 percent of the total number of babies born with low body weight, which is 2.5 kilograms or less. The cause is in the direct supply of food to infants less pain because the mother or the blood vessel when the subject is pregnant and the fetus aberration.

Results in the U.S. study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, as the BBC site is quoted, the high exposure of smoke pollution from motor vehicles in the capital at the beginning and end of pregnancy can cause the fetus does not grow well until the baby is born with low body weight.

*) dr Rinawati Rohsiswatmo, Divisi Neonatal Departemen Kesehatan Anak Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo


oyen said...


That's a good point. But what of the women who live in the cities? Where would they stay to avoid air pollution if air pollution is right outside their doorsteps?

Anonymous said...

great blog

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