Float in the air

Float in the air, it is one of the tricks in peragakan by ilusionis. they are clever in doing tricks, especially through the air tricks are tricks that are not reasonable but it is entertainment that is spectacular and very entertaining.

Bird, butterfly and many more examples of animals that can float in the air. indeed it is from the original as they can fly, because they are provided with a means to fly the body that is embedded in the wings.

Just imagine people could fly in the air with the help of a stick, if we think the sense is very impossible to happen ilusionis it is a matter that is not foreign to us anymore but the common people that is very difficult.

this is evidenced by a ilusionis daughter Claudia Pacheco aka Inca are seated show''float''in the square the capital city Lima, Peru .. He only assisted a stick that looks like bamboo. Youtube on the site, such tricks have been revealed. That is, the yogi from India who was sitting in the chair''''one-legged walking stick. However, the trick is making it's fixed. You are also right?


kcatwoman said...

well that's one amazing trick there

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