It is distressing!

If you treat it well, he thinks you love him.
If not, you will be spelled out proud.

If you dress nice, you think he is trying to
seduce him.
If not, he says you plebeian.

If you argue with it, he says you hard head.
If you remain silent, he says you do not have a brain.

If you smarter than him, he will lose face.
If he is smarter, he says he is most intense.

If you do not love him, he will try to get yourself.
If you mencintainya, he will try to leave yourself.

If you let him masalahmu, if you pester him.
If not, he says you do not trust them.

If you choosy on him, you spelled out as a tutor for him.
But if he is choosy to you, it's because he's attention.

If you violate the promise, you can not be trusted.
If he deny that his promise, he was forced to do so because.

If you smoke, you are a wild girl!
But what he is smoking, he was a gentleman, WUIIHHH ..!

If you hurt him, you spelled women cruel.
But if he is hurt yourself, he says that just because you are too
sensitive and too difficult to be made happy !!!!!

If you send this to the guy-guy, they will surely swear, if
this is not correct.
But if you do not send this to them, you will lose
opportunity to say
they are selfish!


Blogger Rise said...

take it easy not all men like that and not all girl like that...sometimes we are getting what we are not expected so we can learn something from it. OK I link back your blog too. Thanks :)

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