Full benefits of the chicken

DQY Ecological Farm, is one of the farms in china that has two types of industry that is the main supplier of organic eggs for Beijing, also has been providing electricity supply to the capital city. electricity is obtained from chicken feces. News of China Daily, Monday (4 / 5).

From chicken feces that is produced, the resulting electricity capacity reached 14,600 megawatt each year, with a capacity of 14,600 megawatt farm is able to meet the electricity needs of 10,000 families in Beijing, Tianjin, and rural Mongolia autonomous region in North China.

Ecological Farm DQY installing the first gas engine in China in August 2008 to generate electricity and heat. to produce 80,000 tons of chicken feces earned each year. Ecological Farm DQY keep 3 million chickens in the farm management. Use of bio-gas for producing electricity that is connected from the former source is heated by coal, livestock DQY reduce the CO2 gas out to 95,000 tons each year. farm is very productive and one way to reduce global warming because it can reduce the CO2 gas out. Of eggs produced, electricity from livestock waste that is very good to develop in the "Our Company is planning to develop a model in other parts of the country is," said Gu Qing, deputy leader of livestock.

DQY foreign capital is a company with registered capital 208 million yuan. Livestock produce 71 percent of the organic egg market in Beijing. Stakeholders Deqingyuan consists of the Beijing Science and Technology Co. Ltd, GEF-Global Environment Fund which is based in the U.S., Biz Inno Agriculture from Hong Kong, Shanghai Yibei Management Consultancy Company, a member of the World Bank, Finance Corporation, and six each man.


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