High heeled shoes

Every woman surely feel sexy when wear high heeled shoes. Not only make the body more visible, but also make feet feel better levels. However, wear high heeled shoes can also harmful to the health and beauty legs. To help you to be more comfortable when put on high heeled shoes, the following tips

1. When buying high heeled shoes, always make sure that proper size. May sound trivial, but try to remember again, you do have the right shoes make feet high that you are too decadent to the front, and leave the heels you just loose? High heeled shoes that do not quite fit with the fitting body can make you focus on the front foot, the pressure in the finger. So, look for high heeled shoes that can
heels part comfortable with your heel.

2. Use a pillow. Do you feel your heel heat and abrasions when standing too long with the high heeled shoes? This is usually caused by shoes that do not have enough cushion. For problems when using high heeled shoes that are already favored bought it, just use the right pillow for shoes made of high Silicon many circulating in the market. Forms such as gel, capable of absorbing impact and vibration during standing or walking using a high heeled shoes.

3. Use the right footwear for high stability thick. Rights a more bold (Wedge) be able to give better balance and relieve a little pressure because the weight of your body and not spread on the narrow one point only. Changing the right shoes occasionally, or replace the high heeled shoes with slippers when in the office can also prevent muscle pain tendon.

4. High heeled shoes, there are several different levels of the land of other shoes. Despite having the same rights, the length of the shoes can also be pain in the foot. If the length between the ends of the front to the back of the shoes less, perforce, have to bend your legs slightly, and this will cause problems that are not sick in the comfortable high heeled shoes. So, do not forget to consider things like this

5. If you are prone to callous or blister, either because you have legs the shape and size that is not public, then Meet your doctor for a consultation. Requested input on what type of high heeled shoes that are appropriate for you. If you have no way, look for shoes, equipped with a rope to avoid the minimal friction in the shoe can cause a callous


Unknown said...

I totally agree...they do make the legs look longer and more shapely due to the angle the leg is situated. They are however damaging if worn long term as they are not ergonomically correct for ones body posture:)

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