
About 70 percent of headaches are caused by muscle tension. However, headaches can not be considered lightly, especially if up to the job. Headaches often appear simple because of the generally mild symptoms of the disease. What are the trigger headaches?

1. Bos
Boss or a job often trigger pain or headache. In fact, all the things that cause stress or tension will make us more easily fell ill headache or migraine. Headaches caused by emotional tension headache is called tension headache or functional.
People with headaches often feel this musculature in the neck and stiff back strain. In the light massage can reduce the headache, but after some time the complaint will be re-appears.

2. The aroma is too strong
Do you feel dizzy because of fragrance smell perfume? Smell a strong aroma, and even a fragrant, usually causing the dizziness. Not yet known why this happened, but experts suspect that the smell has a strong aroma stimulates nervous system. In addition to perfume, the smell cat, flowers, or dust, often cause the head throb.

3. Hot air
The increase in air temperature often cause the occurrence of migraine headaches or weight. In a study be 7.5 percent of respondents experiencing headaches when the air is hot.

4. Hair Accessories
The way we treat the hair can be influential to the head. Binding hair too tight can make the network into tissue in the head and stern invite headache. Hairpin, also a hat that is too narrow will cause the same effect.

5. Body postures
Not only sports rack sweat can cause the pressure in the head and neck muscles. Postures that the body's daily habits can also cause headaches. Just a habit to sit with the position of the shoulders stoop, sit without support, scan a computer monitor its position is too high or low, or squeeze the phone between ear and shoulder. When last you headaches often attacked, it's time to improve your body postures daily.

6. Sports
Sports that are too heavy, including sex, can also cause headaches. Excessive physical activity can make the blood vessel in the head and neck swelling, and depression. Headache due to sports or sex is easier to attack people who are often exposed to migraine.

7. Cheese
Trigger the headache, or migraine, which is most often cheese, including cheddar, blue cheese, mozzarella and parmesan. It is tyramine, a form of protein that has been parsed, which is in the cheese. Increasing the length of the food or drink, the more tyramine is in it.

8. Red wine
Tyramine can we find in red wine, and liquor. Alcoholic beverages in the terkadung that will improve the flow of blood to the brain, so that any head feels dizzy.

9. Skip lunch
Empty stomach trouble had no lunch on some people often cause headaches. In addition to dizziness, stomach empty also make blood sugar go down, consequently the body feels weak. Head lunch with balanced nutrition. Avoid sweet foods such as chocolate to fill the empty stomach. Sugar's sweet foods will make blood sugar go down and then rebound to lower again.

10. Cigarettes
Smoking causes include headache, not only against people who smoke, but also passive smokers around. Gynecology akan nicotine causes blood vessel to the brain narrow, a result the flow of blood to the brain decreases.

11. Caffeine
The people who usually get headaches often are friends with the coffee. Caffeine can indeed become his opponent at a time. In fact some types of headache medications contain caffeine in it. But on the other hand, caffeine can also cause headaches


Meryl (proud pinay) said...

thanks for sharing.
actually i am having a headache right now...maybe because of my body posture =(

imelda said...

thanks for this info. I dont know if i trigger a headache on my staffs, lol.

Blogger Rise said...

Still more headache factor and for me, if i don`t have enough money :D

Meryl (proud pinay) said...

hi orange. I'm here again and have a nice day.^_^

odds and ends said...

Hi, thanks for the comment :)

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